Irish Coinage


EURO Images


Irish Euro Images



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© 2002 - Copyright
_ Stafford-Langan
Version 1.09a
1 January, 2002

  These are the official images released by the Central Bank of Ireland prior to the introduction of the coins. The quality of the 'Irish' obverse images is not great. I will be scanning some uncirculated examples to replace these in due course.

The coins were released to the public on December 14th 2001 in Euro Starter Packs at £5.00 each containg €6.35.

Each of the 12 countries issued similar packs but with differening amounts of Euros as they amount was based on a comvenient total in the local currency eg 20DM in Germany and Pta2000 in Spain etc.

The coins began to circulate normally on Jan 1, 2002.